
“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.”

~ Bob Proctor

This second core value is kind of like two sides of the same coin.  It has to do with helping guide you down the path to progress (or give you a swift kick in the you-know-what from time to time) as well as you keeping us on track to fulfilling our promises to you.

As you move towards your training modules and begin closing your first REI deals, we are always right there by your side, making certain you follow through 100% with every action.

And we rely on you as our clients to point out any situations where you feel our training, community or support is not living up to your expectations.  We hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards of excellence in this industry and we expect you to do the same for yourself.

Together… our mutual accountability allows everyone to win in massive ways and keep our eyes on the prize.

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